P a g e
How to use GVC320x in an IPVideoTalk Meeting
: Recurring meeting on regular time basis.
Users can set meeting password for the meeting. This is optional. Setting meeting
password can prevent meeting being interrupted by any unexpected callers.
Users could enter the agenda of the meeting. The participants will see it in the meeting
invitation Email.
Email Reminder
: If set to "Yes", the notification Email will be sent to the host and all invited
participants 15 minutes before the meeting starts.
Attendees Control - Mute Attendees on Entry:
If checked, all participants will be muted when
entering the meeting.
Attendees Control - Display Attendees List
: If set to "Yes", WebRTC participants could view the
participants list during the meeting. If set to "No", WebRTC participants can only see the host in
the participants list.
Attendees Control - Allow Chat
: If checked, all participants are allowed to chat.
Attendees Control - Play Beep When Join/Leave Meeting:
If checked, when there is a meeting
participant join/leave the meeting, other participants will hear the beep notification.
: Choose an authenticated device, input alias or input IPVideoTalk ID of the
authenticated device, to allow GVC320x devices to join as hosts or invitees. Please note only
authenticated device can be assigned as meeting host.
Host Email
Users could enter the Email of the host who will receive an Email that contains host
code and reminds him/her about the meeting to be hosted.
Server Location
Specify the server where the meeting will be hosted. When the meeting starts, it
will automatically connect to the specified server region, and all participants will connect to it. To
ensure the meeting quality, users should select the closest sever to the meeting location, or where
most participants are located. e.g., Oregon for US area, Frankfurt for EU area, and Sydney for
Asia and Pacific area.
Add Panelists
: Users could input the Email addresses or the IPVideoTalk IDs in
GVC3200/GVC3202 to add panelists. When the panelists receive the Email notification, they can
click on the URL in the Email to join the meeting as a panelist. When the meeting starts, the invited
IPVideoTalk IDs owners will receive the calls to join the meeting as panelists. The number of
invitees depends on the organizer’s plan.
: Users can enter Email to invite meeting participants, or enter IPVideoTalk ID of other
GVC3200/GVC3202 devices. Users can also input name or the key words to search for company