Grand IP/ Wi-Fi Camera Plus
1. Hardware Overview
Grand IP Camera Plus
Grand Wi-Fi Camera Plus
Night Version (optional)
Supports 6-LED infrared for night vision.
Feb 24, 09
3 4 4 5 7 0 0 0
2. Connecting to a Network
Connect the Grand Wi-Fi / IP Camera Plus to an Ethernet hub or switch by using a standard
cable. You can also connect directly to a computer by using the cross-over provided.
3. Network Installation
Confirm that the camera is already connected to the network.
Step 1:
Execute the “Setup.exe” to install the “IPCamFinder” software in the CD driver.
Execute the “IPCam Setup” on the desktop, and the following screen is displayed.
Step 2:
Click the “Find IP Cam” button, and your camera’s MAC, default IP Address, Net
Mask and Gateway will be listed.