7. Additional function of the KLplus/KL24plus and KLbasic/KL24base control unit
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Compressed air
water level to activate
detecting under load
water level
Additional function of the KLplus/KL24plus and KLbasic/KL24base control
Underload detection (KLplus/KL24plus)
Please note: Level-dependent operation should be activated by a mainte-
nance fitter or an expert. Incorrect calibration of the system could cause it
to operate constantly in economy mode (with cycle pause). Correct cleaning
is not then possible.
This function is deactivated when the system is supplied. When the system is started up, it runs
in automatic mode regardless of the volume of wastewater flowing in.
We would recommend
activating this function after a run-in phase of 3 months at the earliest!
The KLplus control unit is fitted with a pressure sensor as standard and this can be used to es-
tablish the level in the first chamber. This function is used to save energy when the flow of
wastewater is low.
The water level is measured using the pressure in
the feed lifter during the feed phase. If the water
level in the sludge reservoir/buffer (chamber 1)
exceeds a preset level ("Level measurement set-
ting"), the system starts a cleaning cycle. If the
level is not reached, the system goes into cycle
pause for 6 hours. In this mode, the SBR reactor is
only vented sporadically to keep the bacteria alive.
If the preset water level is not reached in the first
chamber after 4 consecutive measurements, the
system pumps water from the reactor into the first
chamber via the excess sludge lifter. After pumping
back, the system measures the water level again.
After a certain time, new feed is therefore supplied
to the reactor even with little or no wastewater supply. The
normal cleaning line can therefore be kept for long periods even in the event of absence or un-
The number of cleaning cycles undertaken can be queried using the operating hours menu item.
This indicates the cleaning cycles actually undertaken with the cycles performed in automatic
mode (4 a day) as a ratio and as a percentage (25% to 100% utilisation).
Figure 11: Feed lifter