c. Move the tote in front of the frame.
d. Remove the lid from the fluid tote to
expose the fluid bag. If present, open
the outer plastic bag and pull it up
over the sides of the tote, exposing the
aseptic inner bag.
e. Make sure the bag is taut and secure it in
place. Install the provided bag clamps.
Load the tote of material into the center
of the frame. Center the tote with the
ram plate.
g. Initial
Initial Setup
Setup Only:
Only: The frame has guides
to locate the tote. Adjust the guides (see
) to center
the tote under the ram plate. Leave
enough space between guides and tote
to allow for removal of the tote.
h. Move the Ram Position Selector (A) to the
Ram Down position.
Ensure that the ram plate is centered
inside the tote. Be careful not to pinch
the inflatable seal when it enters the tote.
2. At the electro-pneumatic control panel:
a. Open the air shutoff valves for the air
controls (CE) and pumps (CF).
b. Navigate to the Manual Run screen. Raise
the ram to its highest point and engage
the safety latch.
c. Move the tote in front of the frame.
d. Remove the lid from the fluid tote to
expose the fluid bag. If present, open
the outer plastic bag and pull it up
over the sides of the tote, exposing the
aseptic inner bag.
e. Make sure the bag is taut and secure it in
place. Install the provided bag clamps.
Load the tote of material into the center
of the frame. Center the tote with the
ram plate.
g. Initial
Initial Setup
Setup Only:
Only: The frame has guides
to locate the tote. Adjust the guides (see
) to center
the tote under the ram plate. Leave
enough space between guides and tote
to allow for removal of the tote.
h. Release the safety latch and jog the ram
to lower to the tote.
Ensure that the ram plate is centered
inside the tote. Be careful not to pinch
the inflatable seal when it enters the tote.