Slide Down
3-1: Put the two (2) 6mm X 35mm Hex screws into the Take-Up Rail
Fixture as shown in Fig (3-1). Make sure the hex heads are
seated into the countersinks on the Take-Up Rail Fixture.
3-2: Slide the Take-Up Rail Fixture down to the middle of the
slot in the Frame End as shown in Fig (3-2).
3-3: Slide an additional 6mm X 35mm Hex Screw into the Take-Up
Rail Fixture as shown in Fig (3-2) and secure with the Plastic Knob.
3-4: Repeat step (3-1) to (3-3) to complete the other Frame End.
Step 4: Queen Frame Assembly, turn to Step 15,
on Page 12 to assembly your frame in Crib Size
Fig (3-1)
Fig (3-2)
Fig (4-1)
Fig (4-2)
Fig (4-3)
Fig (3-3)
Parts Needed:
2- Outer Leg Assemblies
1- Middle Leg Assembly
2- Crib Track Supports
2- Queen Track Supports
1- Right Frame End Sub-Assembly
1- Left Frame End Sub-Assembly
1- Right Frame Corner
1- Left Frame Corner
2- Joint Splices
36- 6mm X 10mm SBHC Screws
4- 6mm X 12mm SBHC Screws
Tools Required:
4mm Allen Wrench
We recommend having someone hold up one end of the track support to help you with this step.
4-1: Secure one end of the Track Support to the Outer Leg Assembly and the M-Location to the Middle Leg
Assembly with four (4) 6mm X 10mm SBHC Screws with the 4mm Allen Wrench as indicated in Fig (4-1).
Make sure you attach the Track Support to the two Outer Leg Assemblies, so that the Top Leg Brace is to
the inside.
4-2: Join the Crib Track Support and Queen Track Support with the Joint Splice with eight(8) 6mm X 10mm
SBHC Screws, as indicated in Fig (4-2). Repeat this step to assemble the other side of the Frame.
4-3: Repeat the first step to assemble the other side of Frame as shown in Fig(4-3).