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User manual for SECC Neoflux® auto-cleaning Cleanflow magnet
Conditions of supply and guarantee
The conditions of supply are the
“General Conditions for the supply and erection of mechanical,
electrical and electronic products”
, published by
, in Brussels.
These conditions can also- if desired
– be requested by writing to Goudsmit Magnetic Systems B.V., as
also mentioned in our written quotation.
The guarantee prescriptions are mentioned in these conditions.
The guarantee on your equipment will be void if:
˗ Service and maintenance are not performed in accordance with the instruction manual or by
servicemen who are not especially trained to do the work. We strongly recommend that specific
magnetic service and maintenance be carried out by Goudsmit personnel).
˗ Modifications are made to the equipment without our prior written permission.
˗ Non-original parts or non 100% exchangeable parts are used.
˗ Lubrication products other than those prescribed are used.
˗ The equipment is used injudiciously, incorrectly, negligently or not in accordance with its intent
and/or purpose (see chapter “Intended use / user instructions”).
All parts that are subject to wear are excluded from the guarantee.
Remaining remarks / warnings
Use the device only for the application for which it has been designed (see chapter
“Intended use /
user instructions”
Use the device only when it is in technically perfect condition, and ensure that all protective hoods
or inspection covers, including all safety circuits, have been fitted and installed in the correct
Ensure that device maintenance is appropriate and in accordance with the instructions provided in
this user manual.
Any eventual faults, in particular those that may influence safety, should be attended to immediately
and remedied before renewed operation. Should you, after estimating the risks of an unsolved fault,
still think it is safe to keep the device into operation, then warn the operators and maintenance staff
of these faults and the danger(s) caused by these faults.