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User manual for SECC Neoflux® auto-cleaning Cleanflow magnet
This manual contains information for the correct operation and maintenance of your device. It also
contains instructions for avoiding possible injury and serious damage and it allows a safe and as
trouble-free functioning of the product as possible. Read this manual thoroughly before putting the
device into operation, familiarise yourself with the operation and control of the device and follow all
instructions precisely.
The data published in this manual is based on the available information at the time of delivery.
This is issued subject to later amendment.
We retain the right to amend or modify the construction and/or model of our products at any time
whatsoever without any obligation to modify any previously supplied products accordingly.
The working principle of the device rests on (Ferro)magnetism.
Ferromagnetism is the basic mechanism by which certain materials such as iron cobalt and nickel can
get magnetized when exposed to an externally applied magnetic field. Materials that remain magnetized
after the external magnetic field is removed, are called permanent magnets. Most magnetic materials
lose their magnetism after the external magnetic field is removed. Most alloys of iron, cobalt and nickel
are magnetic. However, some stainless steel alloys like AISI304 or AISI316 are only slightly magnetic.
Because in most cases it will be Fe parts that will be Ferro-magnetically influenced, we will use the term
‘Fe’ in this user manual when we mean ferromagnetic material