Gossen Metrawatt GmbH
Channel Names
A name can be assigned to each channel with a length of up to 8 characters. These
names allow for improved channel identification during data processing, as well as for
graphic representations.
access to a given channel is also enabled through
the use of such names.
A system-wide search for a channel with the name “Motor5” is performed from
summator A, and total energy from this channel is graphically displayed (see also ECL
command: FINDER).
Channel Numbers
If inputs (E1 ... E12) are to be assigned to the channels, each input can only be assigned
to the channel which bears the same number, i.e.:
Virtual Channels
• Any unused channel can be utilized as a virtual channel for the generation of any
desired sums or differences which result from physical inputs or other virtual
channels. It makes no difference which summators within the ECS LAN the channels
have been assigned to!
• Unused physical channels can also be utilized as virtual channels, in which case even
the maximum value registers for the corresponding physical channel are made
• The synchronizing-interval data logger can record data from virtual channels.
Differential Linking
(ECL commands dVSUM and dVIRT)
As soon as they have been defined, incoming energy quantities (~ meter pulses) from
the source channels are continuously summed and the summed energy quantities are
fed to the virtual channel, “as if they had actually just been measured”. The virtual
channel is decoupled from the source channels and data can be manipulated as
Areas of application: logical coupling of input signals (as if the corresponding input
signals had been switched together to a single channel).
Example 1:
Channel 26 at summator D generates a cost center based upon channels 1 ... 5+8 from
summator B weighted with a factor of 0.7, and channel 4 from summator C weighted
with a factor of 0.3
Example 2:
Channel 10 is the difference between 1 ... 8 and total-sum channel 9
(sum of 1 ... 8 minus channel 9):
Inputs E / Outputs A
<A> Etot Motor5
H1=’B:dVSUM 1..5+8 0.7, C:dVSUM 4 0.3, D:dVIRT 26=’
Summary of Contents for U1601
Page 11: ...Gossen Metrawatt GmbH 11 ECS LAN Sample Network ...
Page 73: ...Gossen Metrawatt GmbH 73 13 Functions Overviews Functions Overview U1601 ...
Page 74: ...74 Gossen Metrawatt GmbH Functions Overview U1602 ...
Page 75: ...Gossen Metrawatt GmbH 75 Functions Overview U1603 ...
Page 79: ...Gossen Metrawatt GmbH 79 ...