GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Measurements may only be performed within the indi-
cated ambient conditions. See page 29 for operating
temperature range and relative humidity.
The instrument may not be used in a dusty atmo-
No maintenance operation may be performed in
potentially explosive atmospheres (cleaning, replace-
ment of batteries, opening the device, etc.)
Observe the following safety precautions:
Type-tested Housing
The milliohmmeter may not be operated with open
In a potentially explosive atmosphere the housing may
not be opened. In this case, there is no protection
against explosions.
Type-tested Batteries
Use the included or other type-tested batteries with
identical technical features only, see Characteristic Val-
Before use, please make sure that the housing cover is
closed. There is no protection against explosions when
the housing is open.
Batteries may only be replaced outside the potentially
explosive environment. No spare batteries may be
brought into the potentially explosive environment.
Operation by qualified electricians
The instrument may only be operated by persons who
are capable of recognizing shock hazards and taking
the appropriate safety precautions. Shock hazards
exist anywhere, where voltages of greater than 33 V
(RMS) may occur.
Shock Hazards
Avoid working alone when taking measurements
which involve shock hazards. Be certain that a second
person is present.
Measurement Cables
Make sure that all measurement cables are in faultless
condition, e.g. undamaged insulation, no interruptions
in cables and plugs, etc.
Unexpected Voltages
Be prepared for the occurrence of unexpected volt-
ages at devices under test (e.g. defective devices, after
inspecting the winding resistance of contactor relays,
etc.). For example, capacitors can still be dangerously
Perform measurements on voltage-free objects only.
Type-tested Fuses
(cannot be replaced by the user)
Only use type-tested fuses, as specified in the Charac-
eristic Values. There is no protection against explo-
sions when other fuses are used.
In order to prevent major damage to the instrument
when interference voltage is applied (within the admis-
sible limit values), the m
measuring circuit is
equipped with a fuse F1 which makes these measur-