Operating Instructions
Evaluation of the PWM Signal
Evaluation of the PWM signal provides information concerning the functionality of PWM
communication between the vehicle and the charging point. Correct charging is only possible with
error-free communication. The following PWM signal data are displayed for the purpose of
diagnostics (see page 7):
Positive voltage
State A, +12 V, no vehicle
State B, +9 V, vehicle connected
State C, +6 V, vehicle ready for charging without ventilation
State D, +3 V, vehicle ready for charging with ventilation
Negative voltage
In the event of correct functioning, voltage is - 12 V. If the diode is short-circuited (by means of
simulation), negative voltage is the same as positive voltage (but with the opposite preceding
PWM frequency
The valid PWM frequency should be 1000 Hz.
Charging current
Displayed charging current is calculated from the duty cycle (see explanation under duty cycle).
Duty cycle
In accordance with IEC 61851 the charging point communicates the maximum permissible
charging current to the vehicle via the duty cycle. Charging current is calculated automatically by
the inline tester and displayed. The following table is specified by IEC 61851:
Duty Cycle
Maximum Charging Current or Meaning
< 3%
Charging not permissible
3% ≤ duty cycle ≤ 7%
Increased communication
7% ≤ duty cycle ≤ 8%
Charging not permissible
8% ≤ duty cycle ≤ 10%
6 A
10% ≤ duty cycle ≤ 85%
Max. charging current = (% duty cycle) * 0.6 A
85% ≤ duty cycle ≤ 96%
Max. Charging current = (% duty cycle -64) * 2.5 A
96% ≤ duty cycle ≤ 97%
80 A
Duty cycle > 97%
Charging not permissible
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