There are four levels of the recording quality: best, high, medium and basic. User can navigate among these options
by [UP] and [DOWN] keys. To select a recording quality, press [SELECT] button when the desired quality option is
highlighted. If [MENU] key is pressed, the dialog will be closed without specifying a recording quality. In this case, the
record timer will not be set. When a previously set timer expires, FreeView tunes to the channel for which the timer
is set.Remember the better the quality the less disc space will be available for the recording.Specify the recording quality
with the [UP] / [DOWN] keys. Press the Title/Guide to escape the timer menu. Press the Standby button on the remote
to set the recorder to its power off / standby mode.
After you have chosen the quality of recording, insert a disc in your unit.
When you are setting reminder for a programme, if the time of the programme is in the past or there is another reminder
that starts at the same time, a warning message will be displayed and the reminder will not be set.Also, if you try to
set a reminder to record on a programme whose time is in the past or coincides with another selected programme or
, a warning message will be displayed and the reminder will not be set.
You can exit the EPG screen in the normal way - pressing [GUIDE], [MENU] or [EXIT]. Later, shortly before the
programme is due to start, the receiver will display a reminder on the screen over the picture of the channel being viewed.
Use the [LEFT] or [RIGHT] keys to highlight the YES or NO buttons as appropriate and press [SELECT]. If you select
the YES button, the receiver switches over to the reminder channel.
For further Information regarding Recording see also the titles Manual Recording and Programming a Recorder
( Timer).