Follow the bullets listed below when installing the drain system.
Refer to the following sections for specific details concerning
furnace drain trap installation and drain hose hook ups.
The drain trap supplied with the furnace must be used.
The drain trap must be primed at time of installation.
The drain line between furnace and drain location
must meet local and nation codes.
The drain line between furnace and drain location
must maintain a 1/4 inch per foot downward slope
toward the drain.
Do not trap the drain line in any other location than at
the drain trap supplied with the furnace.
If the drain line is routed through an area which may
see temperatures near or below freezing, precautions
must be taken to prevent condensate from freezing
within the drain line.
If an air conditioning coil is installed with the furnace,
a common drain may be used. An open tee must
be installed in the drain line, near the cooling coil, to
relieve positive air pressure from the coil’s plenum.
This is necessary to prohibit any interference with the
function of the furnace’s drain trap.
In vertical installations, air conditioning coil condensate
may drain into the furnace trap as long as there is a trap
between the coil and the furnace trap and the drain pipe is
not terminating below the water level of the furnace trap.
General Drain Information
All furnace models come with a factory installed drain trap.
For vertical installations, the trap will remain in the factory
position except for a counterflow when the installer desires
the drain to exit the right side. All furnace models installed
horizontally require the trap to be relocated. Many drain hoses
have a built–in grommet which will provide a cabinet seal
when installed. See instructions below for your model and
installation position.
NOTE: Both sides of the drain trap
must be primed prior to initial furnace start up
Field Supplied Drain
Drain the furnace and air conditioning coil if applicable,
in compliance with code requirements. In horizontal or
counterflow installations, a field installed rubber coupling will
allow the drain trap to be removed for cleaning. The drain
trap must be primed before initial furnace start up. When an
air conditioning coil drain is connected to the field supplied
furnace drain, it must be vented, with an open tee installed
at a height no higher than the bottom of the furnace collector
box to prevent air conditioning condensate from backing up
into the furnace if the common drain was blocked.
Upflow Model Installed Vertically
The trap and factory installed hoses remain as shipped. The
furnace drain may exit either the right or left side of the furnace
cabinet. Both sides of the cabinet have two .875” diameter
holes which can be used interchangeably for drain and low
voltage wiring purposes. If a higher drain exit is needed, a
.875” diameter hole may be added in the area shown in Figure
22. Any unused cabinet opening must be sealed. Do not
allow drain hose to sag or trap water.
Drain Exiting Right Side
1. Locate and Install the 45÷ pipe / hose drain coupling
from the outside of the cabinet (barbed end goes in the
cabinet) through hole in the right side of the cabinet and
secure with two field supplied #8 self-tapping screws (see
Figure 23).
2. Locate the long drain hose #3 and cut at line “A” .
3. Install large end of hose #3 to trap outlet and secure with
1.25” clamp.
4. Install smaller end of hose #3 on 45÷ elbow and secure
with 1” clamp.
5. Refer to Field Supplied Drain section for instructions on
field supplied / installed drain on outlet of furnace trap.
Side Cut-Out
Right side shown.
area for
drain hole.
Figure 22