ST150M User Manual
Confidential & Proprietary Information
9150-0125-01 R-1
The different signals SCK, MOSI, and MISO associated with the SPI master are mapped to physical pins. This mapping is
according to the configuration specified in the PSEL.SCK, PSEL.MOSI, and PSEL.MISO registers respectively. If the CONNECT
field of a PSEL.xxx register is set to Disconnected, the associated SPI master signal is not connected to any physical pin. The
PSEL.SCK, PSEL.MOSI, and PSEL.MISO registers and their configurations are only used as long as the SPI master is enabled,
and retained only as long as the device is in ON mode. PSEL.SCK, PSEL.MOSI, and PSEL.MISO must only be configured when
the SPI master is disabled.
To secure correct behavior in the SPI, the pins used by the SPI must be configured in the GPIO peripheral as described in GPIO
configuration on page 399 prior to enabling the SPI. The SCK must always be connected to a pin, and that pin's input buffer
must always be connected for the SPI to work. This configuration must be retained in the GPIO for the selected IOs as long as
the SPI is enabled. Only one peripheral can be assigned to drive a particular GPIO pin at a time, failing to do so may result in
unpredictable behavior.
For more detailed info, refer to the Nordic Semiconductor nRF52840-CKAA datasheet.
There are two UARTs on the Nordic processor. One of the UARTs is not available, as it is used by the Nordic processor and the
satellite transmitter.
The UART implements support for the following features:
• Full-duplex operation
• Automatic flow control
• Parity checking and generation for the 9th data bit
As illustrated in UART configuration on page 500, the UART uses the TXD and RXD registers directly to transmit and receive
data. The UART uses one stop bit.
External crystal oscillator must be enabled to obtain sufficient clock accuracy for stable communication. See CLOCK —
Clock control on page 82 for more information.
The different signals RXD, CTS (Clear To Send, active low), RTS (Request To Send, active low), and TXD associated with the
UART are mapped to physical pins according to the configuration specified in the PSEL.RXD, PSEL.CTS, PSEL.RTS, and PSEL.
TXD registers respectively.
If the CONNECT field of a PSEL.xxx register is set to Disconnected, the associated UART signal will not be connected to any
physical pin. The PSEL.RXD, PSEL.CTS, PSEL.RTS, and PSEL.TXD registers and their configurations are only used as long
as the UART is enabled, and retained only for the duration the device is in ON mode. PSEL.RXD, PSEL.CTS, PSEL.RTS and
PSEL.TXD must only be configured when the UART is disabled. To secure correct signal levels on the pins by the UART when
the system is in OFF mode, the pins must be configured in the GPIO peripheral as described in Pin configuration on page
500. Only one peripheral can be assigned to drive a particular GPIO pin at a time. Failing to do so may result in unpredictable
behavior. If flow control is not enabled, the interface will behave as if the CTS and RTS lines are kept active all the time.
UART pin Direction Output Value
RXD Input N/A
Input N/A
Output 1
Output 1