Upgrading the Marquee ---- Standard Cabinet
Use the following procedure to install the new marquee artwork in the standard NFS cabinet:
1. Using a ¼-20H Security Torx bit (included), remove the (6x) screws holding the marquee shield.
2. Remove the old artwork. Insert the new artwork included in the update package.
3. Reinstall the shield. Take care not to scratch the shield or artwork during installation.
Marquee Shield
(6x) Torx Screws
New Marquee Artwork
Cabinet Marquee Light
Figure 25
– Standard Cabinet Marquee
Upgrading the Marquee ---- Deluxe Cabinet
Use the following procedure to install the new marquee artwork in the deluxe NFS cabinet:
1. Remove the (9x) screws holding the rear, hinged marquee cover plate in place. DO NOT remove the (3x)
screws below the hinge. CAUTION: The front monitor bezel may slide forward after the last screw is
undone. Hold the bezel in place to prevent damage.
2. Tilt the plate back on the hinge. You may need a stepladder to access the marquee interior.
3. Using a Philips screwdriver, remove the two top retainer blocks. Leave the bottom and side blocks in place.
Remove the old artwork.
4. Install the new artwork. Take care not to scratch the clear shield or artwork during installation.
5. Replace the retainer blocks holding the artwork in place.
6. Tilt the hinged marquee cover plate back in place and reinstall the (9x) screws.
Rear Hinged
Marquee Cover
(9x) Screws and Washers
Marquee Retainer Blocks
Marquee Artwork
Figure 26
– Deluxe Cabinet Marquee
040-1201-01 Rev. C 5/28/2004