To test the balance of the vertical axis,
perform what is called the SLED ARC TEST.
To perform the “Sled Arc Test,” simply hold
the HD-2000 by its handle and then grab hold
of the back end of the HD-2000’s BASE
PLATFORM, then pull the BASE up and back
until the HD-2000’s CENTRAL POST is
horizontal and motionless (see Photo #42).
Then gently let go of the BASE PLATFORM
and count how many seconds it takes for the
HD-2000 to go from the horizontal position it
was just in (Photo #43), to the moment it first
passes vertical (Photo #44).
If the HD-2000 is vertically balanced properly,
then it should take about TWO to THREE
seconds for this to happen (this is called the
DROP TIME). Count your seconds with the
words “one thousand one, one thousand two,”
etc. for accuracy. Adjust the amount of
PLATFORM or adjust the length of the
TELESCOPING POST up or down, until it
only takes TWO to THREE seconds for the
HD-2000’s CENTRAL POST to first swing in
an arc from horizontal to vertical.
: The amount of DROP TIME finally set
is ultimately up to you to decide. Different
DROP TIMES change the vertical balance, and
therefore change the results obtainable when
Another way to check for correct vertical
balance, known as the “Movement Test,” is to
walk forward with the HD-2000, and the stop
suddenly. If the HD-2000’s BASE PLATFORM
swings or pendulums away from you, or from
the upright vertical position it was just in at the
moment you stopped, then you know the HD-
2000 is not balanced correctly. Adjust the
amount of COUNTER WEIGHTS used on the
BASE PLATFORM or adjust the length of the
TELESCOPING POST up or down, until the
“Movement Test.”
This “Movement Test” also applies to running
or turning around quickly with the HD-2000.
Again, if the HD-2000 is balanced properly,
then any body movement like running or
turning quickly will not effect the basic
upright, vertical position of the HD-2000
This photo shows the Glidecam HD-2000 swinging past
an illustrated vertical line. The HD-2000 will pendulum
or swing past this line during the “Sled Arc Test,” and
the HD-2000 will swing back and forth over a dozen
times if left to keep swinging, but it is only the time the
swings in an arc from horizontal to
vertical that you need to analyze. After you have
counted the time it takes for it to go from horizontal
until it passes vertical
, then simply stop the HD-
2000 from swinging, then either put the HD-2000 down
or make adjustments to perform the test again.
Adding more weight or telescoping out the base will
speed up the drop time. Removing weight or
telescoping the base in will slow the drop time.