Figure 1
Figure 2
Xstream is a range of unvented hot water
storage appliances designed to provide mains
pressure hot water to comply with Section
G3 of the Building Regulations. The Xstream
incorporates a twin tank design and is housed
in a pre-finished rectangular case with all
connections front mounted. The appliance is
extremely well insulated using high density
HCFC free foam insulation with an ozone
depleting potential (ODP) of zero. It is fitted
with all necessary safety devices and supplied
with all the necessary control devices to make
installation on site as easy as possible.
The twin tank configuration is important
in ensuring more usable water because
the pipework is arranged so that gravity
circulation takes place constantly around two
tubes. In a single tube cylinder some 15%
of the contents, which are below the heat
exchanger, remain unheated, and therefore
at an unusable temperature. The twin tube
design of Xstream overcomes this problem
and therefore significantly reduces the risk of
legionella. Drain down is effected from the very
bottom of both tubes.
Xstream is available in two basic variants:
1. Xstream Direct - For providing hot water
heated by electricity (Figure 1).
2. Xstream Indirect - For use with gas or oil
boilers (Figure 2).
Xstream direct is an electrically heated,
unvented hot water storage package appliance
designed primarily for use with off peak
electrical supplies.
It is supplied fitted with two 3kW immersion
heaters as recommended by the Electricity
Council and BEAB approved for safety.
Xstream direct models are listed in Table 1.
Xstream indirect is an unvented hot water
storage package and is provided with an
internal coil which is designed for use with a
gas or oil boiler and is suitable for both open
vented and sealed pumped primary systems.
When used with a sealed heating system the
boiler must incorporate its own energy cut-out
overheat thermostat.
Xstream indirect models are listed in Table 2.
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