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Wheel & Rim Safety Manual
5. After the first section of the bead is over the
rim flange, use one tire iron to hold that
section over the flange and use another iron
to pry the next section over the flange. Do not
attempt to pry too large a section of the bead
over the rim flange at one time. Never release
your grip on either tire iron, as they may
spring back.
6. Pull the tube out of the casing, starting at the
bottom. If only the tube requires repair or
replacement, it can be removed, repaired,
and replaced in the tire without removing the
tire completely from the wheel. Before
reinstalling the tube, thoroughly inspect the
inside of the casing for damage or foreign
material. Remove any remaining fluid from
inside the tire.
7. To remove the tire completely from the wheel,
insert tire irons under the inside bead at the
side of the tire. Pry the rest of the inside bead
over the rim flange. When starting this
operation, be sure that the bead area on the
opposite side of the tire is down in the well
of the rim.