Bolero 6 user manual
have no choice but to rinse the glider, e.g. following a landing in the sea, gently wash it down
inside and out with fresh water. Frequent rinsing accelerates the aging process.
Type designation
GIN gliders have an exact identi�cation on the underside of the wingtip or on the centre rib,
which is obligatory for all paragliders. The information required is set out in the airworthiness
It is helpful to provide the type designation of the paraglider if you are contacting your Gin
Gliders dealer with any queries or ordering replacement parts or accessories, to ensure
accurate identi�cation.
Regular inspections
The following parts and materials must be inspected regularly for damage, abrasion and
correct operation, e.g. after landing:
Risers and quick-links
Measuring the length of the lines is part of the regular paraglider inspection. The lines must
be measured with a load of 5kg, in order to ensure reproducible results for a comparison with
the lengths in the check sheets.
The lines have a considerable in�uence on �ight behaviour. Correct line length and
symmetry are also important for performance and handling. Gin Gliders therefore
recommends an inspection every 50 to 100 hours or once a year.
Environmental conditions such as high temperatures or moisture can aퟍ�ect line length.
Check the line length regularly, particularly if you notice any change in launch or �ight
behaviour. The line length should be checked if you have landed in water or if the lines have
got wet through. Lines age and lose strength even if the paraglider is used infrequently or not
at all. This can aퟍ�ect the safety and function of your paraglider.
Signs of wear are slight bumps or changes in �ying characteristics. The lines must then be
replaced immediately. Use only inspected and approved lines, which can be obtained through
Gin Gliders.
WARNING: A damaged line can result in loss of control of the glider. Always replace lines
which are damaged. If you need to replace damaged or worn-out parts, use only original
parts or approved parts from the manufacturer.
WARNING: Do not under any circumstances use knots to shorten the lines. Any knot will
weaken the line considerably and may cause the line to break in case of high
load. The overhand knot and bowline knots described are permitted only for
connecting the main brake lines/brake handle.
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