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Instructions to User

Read these instructions carefully before using this equipment. These instructions describe
the operating procedures to be followed strictly. Failure to follow these instructions can
cause measuring abnormity, equipment damage and personal injury. The manufacturer is
NOT responsible for the safety, reliability and performance issues and any monitoring
abnormality, personal injury and equipment damage due to user’s negligence of the operation
instructions. The manufacturer’s warranty service does not cover such faults.
- The uncomfortable or painful feeling may appear if using the device ceaselessly, especially
for the microcirculation barrier patients. It is recommended that the sensor should not be
applied to the same finger for over 2 hours.
- For the individual patients, there should be a more prudent inspecting in the placing
process. The device can not be clipped on the edema and tender tissue.
- The light (the infrared is invisible) emitted from the device is harmful to the eyes, so the user
and the maintenance man, can not stare at the light.
- Testee can not use enamel or other makeup on the finger.
- Testee’s fingernail can not be too long.
- Please peruse the relative content about the clinical restrictions and caution.

1. Safety

1.1 Instructions for Safe Operations
- Check the main unit and all accessories periodically to make sure that there is no visible
damage that may affect patient’s safety and monitoring performance. It is recommended that
the device should be inspected once a week at least. When there is obvious damage, stop
using the oximeter.
- Necessary maintenance must be performed by qualified service engineers ONLY. Users
are not permitted to maintain it by themselves.
- The oximeter cannot be used together with the devices not specified in User’s Manual.

1.2 Warnings

- Explosive hazard—DO NOT use the oximeter in environment with inflammable
gas such as some ignitable anesthetic agents.
- DO NOT use the oximeter while the testee measured by MRI and CT
- To dispose the device, the local law must be followed.

1.3 Attentions

- Keep the oximeter away from dust, vibration, corrosive substances, explosive
materials, high temperature and moisture.
- If the oximeter gets wet, please stop operating it. When it is carried from cold
environment to warm and humid environment, please do not use it immediately.
- DO NOT press the keys on front panel with sharp materials.


Summary of Contents for OXY-5

Page 1: ...ucto ATEN O Osoperadoresdevemlereentendercompletamenteeste manualantesdeusaroproduto PK A B lKaBI XI A Iv ByI X A AY s AZv B l A k ZYR A MANUALED USOEMANUTENZIONE USEANDMAINTENANCEBOOK INSTRUCTIONSDEF...

Page 2: ...dannosa per gli occhi quindi l utenteeilpersonaledellamanutenzionenondevonoinalcuncasofissarecongliocchitale luce Ilpazientenondeveutilizzaresmaltoperunghien nessunaltrotipodicosmeticosulle dita L un...

Page 3: ...biologicoperlarespirazione Moltidisturbidellarespirazionepossonocausare ipossiemiamettendoancheinpericololasalutedelpaziente E quindiindispensabilenella procedureclinichemanteneremonitoratol SpO2 Ilme...

Page 4: ...tterealcunebandeluminosedispettriristrettiattraversocampionidisangueeper misurare l attenuazione dello spettro con differenti lunghezze d onda a seconda delle caratteristicheconcuiRHb O2HB MetHbeCOHba...

Page 5: ...trochirurgica possono alterarelaprecisionedellamisurazione H Ilpazientenondeveaveresmaltosulleunghien nessunaltrotipodicosmetico 3 Specifichetecniche A TipoDisplay DisplayLCD B Alimentazionerichiesta...

Page 6: ...di protezione contro l ingresso di liquidi Dispositivo ordinario senza protezioni contro l ingresso di liquidi Compatibilit elettromagnetica GruppoI ClasseB 4 Accessori A Uncordinodisupporto B Unabus...

Page 7: ...uco 2 Inserire il secondo capo nel primo e tirarlo 6 Guida operativa A Inserire le due batterie nel verso corretto e quindi riposizionare la copertura B Aprire il sensore come mostrato in figura C Far...

Page 8: ...ato ildispositivoemetter unsuonodiallarme Ilvalorechehasuperatoilimitilampegger sul display i limiti di allarme sono riportati nelle Specifiche Tecniche 7 Riparazioneemanutenzione A Sostituire le batt...

Page 9: ...o in modo correttoeriprovare 2 Riprovare Recarsi in ospedale per una diagnosi accurata se si sicuri che l apparecchio funziona correttamente 1 Posizionare il dito in modo correttoeriprovare 2 Farecalm...

Page 10: ...ituzioneoriparazioneeffettuataduranteilperiododigaranzianonhannol effettodi prolungareladuratadellagaranzia Lagaranzianon validaincasodi riparazioneeffettuatadapersonalenonautorizzatoocon pezzi di ric...

Page 11: ...elight Testeecannotuseenamelorothermakeuponthefinger Testee s fingernail can not be too long Pleaseperusetherelativecontentabouttheclinicalrestrictionsandcaution 1 Safety 1 1 Instructions for Safe Ope...

Page 12: ...dis inconvenientandcannotbeusedtomonitorcontinuously Forthepurposeofmeasuringthe SpO2 moreeasilyandaccurately GIMAdevelopedtheFingertipOximeter Thedevicecan measurethepulseratesimultaneously The Finge...

Page 13: ...gth660 nm and infrared wavelength 940 nm to differentiate HbO2 from HbR One side of the sensor contains two LEDs and the other side contains a photoelectric detector SpO2 oximetermeasuresHbO2 saturati...

Page 14: ...rference of surrounding light Thedifferencebetweenthevaluemeasuredintheconditionofindoornaturallightandthat ofdarkroomislessthan 1 G Resistance to interference of man made light ValuesofSpO2 andPulseR...

Page 15: ...SpO2 Thebar graphofpulsestrength Pulserate Power 5 2 Battery Refer to the figure and insert the two AAA size batteries properly in the right direction Replacethecover Pleasetakecarewhenyouinsertthebat...

Page 16: ...duringtheprocess F Measurementresultwillbedisplayedonthescreen asshowninfigure Usercanread SpO2 andHRvaluesfromdisplayscreen SpO2 SpO2 symbol Pulseratesymbol BPM theunitofpulserate beatsperminute Puls...

Page 17: ...lse Rate can not be displayed normally The SpO2 and PulseRatedisplay instable The device can not turn on The indicator light is off suddenly PossibleReason 1 The finger is not properly positioned 2 Th...

Page 18: ...yofthewarranty GIMAwillrepairand orreplacefreeofcharge allthedefectedpartsduetoproductionreasons Laborcostsandpersonneltravelingexpenses andpackagingnotincluded Allcomponentssubjecttoweararenotinclude...

Page 19: ...teurestnuisiblepourlesyeux par cons quentl utilisateuretlepersonnelcharg del entretiennedoiventenaucuncasfixer cettelumi reaveclesyeux Lepatientnedoitutilisernivernis ongleniaucunautretypedecosm tique...

Page 20: ...rtant param tre biologique pour la respiration Beaucoup de troubles respiratoires peuvent tre cause d hypox mie mettantainsilasant dupatientendanger Ilestdoncindispensabledansles proc durescliniquesde...

Page 21: ...ansmettredesfaisceauxlumineux spectresrestreints traversdes chantillonsdesang etpourmesurerl att nuationduspectreavecdiff renteslongueursd ondeenfonctiondes caract ristiquessuivantlesquellesRHb O2HB M...

Page 22: ...caleexcessive peuventfausserlapr cisiondelamesure H Le patient ne doit utiliser ni vernis ongle ni aucun autre type de cosm tique sur les doigts 3 Sp cificationstechniques A Typed affichage cranLCD B...

Page 23: ...ques Type BF Degr de protection contre les liquides Dispositif ordinaire sans protections contre les liquides Compatibilit lectromagn tique GroupeI ClasseB 4 Accessoires A Uncordondesupport B Uneenvel...

Page 24: ...etrou 2 Ins rerledeuxi meboutdanslepremieretletirer 6 Guideop rationnel A Ins rerlesdeuxpilesdanslebonsensetensuiterepositionnerlecouvercle B Ouvrirlecapteurcommemontr danslafigure C Faireplacerledoig...

Page 25: ...passela limitepr tablie ledispositif metunsignald alarme Lavaleurquiad pass leslimites clignote sur l cran les limites d alarme sont indiqu es dans les Caract ristiques Techniques 7 R paration et entr...

Page 26: ...e c a r d i a q u e instable L appareil ne s allumepas L i n d i c a t e u r lumineuxs teint l improviste Causeprobable 1 Le doigt n est pas positionn correctement 2 LaSpO2dupatientesttropfaible pour...

Page 27: ...our parationeffectu espendantlap riodedegarantienecomportentpas le prolongement de la dur e de la garantie La garantie n est pas valable en cas de r parationeffectu eparunpersonnelnonautoris ouavecdes...

Page 28: ...nicht auf einem dem oder weichem Gewebe positioniertwerden DasvomSensorausgestrahlteLicht Infrarotstrahlensindunsichtbar istsch dlichf rdie Augen Daher darf we4der der Patient noch das mit der Wartun...

Page 29: ...ngmitSauerstoffderPulsationistderAnteilvonHbO2desGesamtwertesvon HbimBlutunddiesewirdauchO2 KonzentrationimBlutgenannt Eshandeltsichumeinen wichtigenbiologischenParameterf rdieAtmung VieleAtemst runge...

Page 30: ...Betriebstemperatur 10 C 40 C Lagertemperatur 20 C 55 C Feuchtigkeit Betriebsfeuchtigkeit 35 80 Lagerfeuchtigkeit 10 100 Luftdruck Betriebsdruck 70kPa 106kPa Lagerdruck 50kPa 106kPa 2 4Messgrundlagen...

Page 31: ...enenpulsation unddamitzueinerfalschenMessungvonSpO2f hrenkann E Sicherstellen dassdieoptischeOberfl chefreivonHindernissenist F EinezuhelleUmgebungkanndasErgebnisderMessungbeeinflussen Diesschlie t Fl...

Page 32: ...3 mm H Nettogewicht 60g einschlie lich Batterien I Klassifikationen SchutztypgegenStromschl ge Ger tmitinternerEnergiequelle SchutzgradgegenStromschl ge TypBF SchutzgradgegenEindringenvonFl ssigkeiten...

Page 33: ...iehen 6 Anwendung A Zwei neue Batterien einlegen und dabei auf die richtige Polarit t achten Dann das Batteriefachwiederverschlie en B DenSensor wieinderAbbildungangegeben ffnen C DenFingerdesPatiente...

Page 34: ...oder Herzschlagfrequenzwertes berschritten ert nt ein Alarmsignal Der berschreitende WertblinktaufderAnzeige dieAlarmgrenzensindindenTechnischenDatenangegeben 7 Reparatur und Wartung A AuswechselnderB...

Page 35: ...instabil Das Ger t l sst sich nicht einschalten Die Anzeige schaltet sich von M glicher Grund 1 Der Finger ist nicht korrekt positioniert 2 SpO2desPatienten ist zu niedrig um gemessen zu werden 1 Der...

Page 36: ...mFallevon Reparaturen diedurchnichtbefugtesPersonalausgef hrtwurdenoder ohneOriginalersatzteile Sch den diedurchNachl ssigkeit St eodernichtzul ssigen Gebrauchhervorgerufenwerden GIMA bernimmtkeineHaf...

Page 37: ...itidaporelsensoresda inaparalosojos porlotanto elusuarioyelpersonaldelmantenimientoenning ncasotienenquefijarestaluzconlos ojos Elpacientenotienequeutilizaresmalteparalasu asnining notrotipodecosm tic...

Page 38: ...o paralarespiraci n Muchasmolestiasdelarespiraci npuedencausarhipoxemiaponiendo enpeligrolasaluddelpaciente Porlotantoesindispensableenlosprocedimientoscl nicos mantenermonitoreadolaSpO2 Elm todotradi...

Page 39: ...etro multifuncional para transmitealgunasbandasluminosasdeespectrosrestringidosatrav sdemuestrasde sangreyparamedirlaatenuaci ndelespectrocondiferenteslongituddeondaseg nlas caracter sticas con las qu...

Page 40: ...rgicapueden alterarlaprecisi ndelamedici n H Elpacientenotienequeteneresmalteenlasu asnining notrotipodecosm tico 3 Especificacionest cnicas A TipoDisplay DisplayLCD B Alimentaci nrequerida Dos pilas...

Page 41: ...eprotecci ncontralaentradadel quidos Dispositivoordinariosinprotecciones contralaentradadel quidos Compatibilidadelectromagn tica GrupoI ClaseB 4 Accesorios A Unacuerdadesoporte B Unsobredeprotecci n...

Page 42: cuerda de soporte 1 Introducir el primer cabo de la cuerda a trav s del orificio 2 Introducirelsegundocaboenelprimeroytirarlo 6 Gu aoperativa A Introducirlasdospilasenelsentidocorrectoyvolveracoloc...

Page 43: ...I comoilustradoenfigura H Alarmas Durante la medici n si el valor SpO2 o la frecuencia de los latidos supera el l mite preconfigurado eldispositivoemitir unsonidodealarma Elvalorquehasuperadolos l mit...

Page 44: ...La SpO2 y l a f r e c u e n c i a cardiacano se v i s u a l i z a n normalmente Visualizaci n deSpO2 y frecuenciacardiaca inestable El aparato nose enciende El indicador luminososeapaga improvisamente...

Page 45: ...garant anoesv lidaencasode reparaci nefectuadaporpersonalnoautorizadoocon piezasderecambionooriginales aver asovicioscausadospornegligencia golpesouso impropio GIMAnorespondedemalfuncionamientosenapar...

Page 46: ...elo sensor danifica os olhos portanto o utilizadoreopessoadamanuten odevemevitarabsolutamentedefixarestaluz Opacienten odeveusaresmaltedeunhasnemnenhumoutrotipodecosm ticosobreos d dos Aunhadopaciente...

Page 47: ...sedeumimportantepar metrobiol gico paraarespira o Muitosproblemasdarespira opodemcausarhipoxiemiapondomesmo emperigoasa dedopaciente Portanto indispens velmantercontroladaoSpO2 O m todotradicionaldeme...

Page 48: ...mitir algumas bandas luminosas restritas atrav s de amostras de sangue e para medir a atenua o da luminosidade com diferentes comprimentos de onda dependendo das caracter sticas com que Rhb O2HB MetHb...

Page 49: ...aeletro cir rgicapodemalterar aexactid odamedida H Opacienten odeveteresmaltesobreasunhasenenhumoutrotipodecosm tico 3 Especifica est cnicas A Tipo Video Video LCD B Alimenta onecess ria Duaspilhasalc...

Page 50: ...icos TipoBF Graudeprote ocontraaentradadel quidos Dispositivonormalsemprote ocontraa entradadel quidos Compatibilidadeeletro magn tica GrupoI ClasseB 4 Acess rios A Cord odesuporte B Estojodeprote o C...

Page 51: ...atrav sdofuro 2 Fazerpassaraoutrapontadentrodaprimeira epuxar 6 Guiaoperativa A Introduzirasduaspilhasnadire ocorretarecolocaratampa B Abrirosensorconformeindicadonafigura C Enfiarod dodopacientenosen...

Page 52: ...o valor SpO2 ou a frequ ncia das batidas supera o limite pr selecionado o dispositivo emitir um alarme sonoro O valor que superou o limite comparecer piscandonovideo oslimitesdealarmes oindicadosnasEs...

Page 53: ...eira corretaetentarnovamente 2 Tentarnovamente Irnohospital para uma diagnose mais detalhadaseseest seguroque o aparelho funciona corretamente 1 Colocar o dedo na posi o corretaetentarnovamente 2 Calm...

Page 54: ...o per odo de validez da garantia n o tem o efeito de prolongar a dura o da mesma A garantia n o v lida em caso de conserto feito por pessoal n o autorizado ou com sobressalentesn ooriginais avariasou...

Page 55: ...55 2 1 1 1 pulsoximetro pulsoximetro...

Page 56: ...56 1 2 _ pulsoximetro pulsoximetro MRI CT 1 3 pulsoximetro pulsoximetro pulsoximetro pulsoximetro 60 C 2 HbO2 Hb 2 SpO2 SpO2 SpO2...

Page 57: ...57 SpO2 Pulsoximetro Pulsoximetro SpO2 2 1 SpO2 8 2 2 Pulsoximetro SpO2 2 3 10 C 40 C 20 C 55 C 35 80 10 100 70kPa 106kPa 50kPa 106kPa...

Page 58: ...lobinometro RHb O2HB Met Hb COHb O2Hb O2Hb O2Hb O2Hb RHb O2Hb Met Hb COHb x 100 O2Hb O2Hb O2Hb RHb O2Hb x 100 pulsoximetroSpO2 660nm 940 nm HbO2 HbR LED pulsoximetro SpO2 HbO2 pletismografo HbO2 70 95...

Page 59: ...59 3 A DisplayLCD B 1 5V AAA 3V 15mA C SpO2 35 99 2 75 99 3 50 74 SpO2 90 D 30bpm 240bpm 2bpm 2 120bpm 50bpm E 0 20 F 1 G SpO2 H 66mm L x36mm W x33mm H 60g I T BF I B 4 C...

Page 60: ...60 5 5 1 5 2 SpO2...

Page 61: ...61 5 3 1 2 6 A B C D 2 E F SpO2 HR SpO2 SpO2 BPM I 6...

Page 62: ...62 G PI H SpO2 7 C pulsoximetro D 20 C 55o C 10 100...

Page 63: ...63 SpO2 SpO2 1 2 SpO2 1 2 1 2 3 1 8 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 8...

Page 64: ...64 GIMA 12 GIMA GIMA software GIMA SHENZENCREATIVE P R C...

Page 65: ...65 ARABIC 2 1 1 1...

Page 66: ...66 ARABIC 1 2 MRI CT 1 3...

Page 67: ...67 ARABIC 60 2 HbO2 Hb O2 SpO2 SpO2 SpO2 SpO2 SpO2 2 1 SpO2...

Page 68: ...68 ARABIC 8 2 2 SpO2 2 3 10 40 20 55 35 80 10 100 70kPa 106kPa 50kPa 106kPa...

Page 69: ...69 ARABIC 2 4 RHb O2HB Met Hb COHb O2Hb O2Hb O2Hb O2Hb RHb O2Hb Met Hb COHb x 100 O2Hb O2Hb O2Hb RHb O2Hb x 100 SpO2 660 nm 940 nm HbO2 Hbr SpO2 HbO2 70 95 2 5 SpO2 SpO2...

Page 70: ...70 ARABIC SpO2 3 LCD 1 5 AAA 3 15 SpO2 35 99 2 75 99 3 50 74 SpO2 90 30bpm 240bpm 2bpm 2 120bpm 50bpm...

Page 71: ...71 ARABIC 0 20 Lower limit 50bpm 1 SpO2 66 36 33 60 BF I B 4...

Page 72: ...72 ARABIC 5 5 1 5 2 AAA ThedisplaySpO2 Thebar graphofpulsestrength Pulserate Power...

Page 73: ...73 ARABIC 5 3 1 2 6 2 SpO2 HR SpO2 SpO2 BPM...

Page 74: ...74 ARABIC 6 PI SpO2 7 20 55 10 100...

Page 75: ...75 ARABIC 8 1 2 1 2 SpO2 SpO2 1 2 1 2 SpO2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 8 2...

Page 76: ...76 ARABIC 12 GIMA GIMA GIMA...
