MDE-3664B TRIND® Start-up, Service, and Parts Manual · June 2013
Page 4-1
Card Cage Assemblies
Major Hardware Components
4 – Major Hardware Components
Card Cage Assemblies
There are four main Card Cage versions used for the TRIND system. These four Card Cages
are T20229-G1, T20606-G2, T20606-G3, and T20606-G5. The T20229 Card Cage is no
longer available and is discussed in this manual simply for the service and support of the
installed base. There are other G-levels of the T20606 Card Cage, but these are variations of
the -G2 and -G3. Therefore, being familiar with these base Card Cages and their parts will
provide the technician with valuable information in servicing the other G-levels, if
Note: Many parts look similar in the T20229 and T20606 Card Cages, but they are not the
same. Always replace the removed part with the same part number or risk voiding the
UL listings, FCC certifications, warranty, if applicable.
T20229-G1 Card Cage Assembly
The T20229 Card Cage was the installed Card Cage for the original Mobil Speedpass
program. With a few cable changes, this Card Cage can be replaced by the T20606-G2 Card
Cage, which contains the new Multi-port Data Control Board (DCB) from Texas Instruments.
Figure 4-1: T20229-G1 Card Cage Assembly
Power Supply
UHF Receiver Assembly on DCB
Gateway Board
UHF Receiver Assembly on DCB