Guidelines / Manual
BTS256-LED Tester / Page 16
Software for Remote Control Measurements and Documentation ( Continued )
Version 01.2009-01
For quick documentation a print-out can
be generated. The header allows user
comments or file name to be entered.
The 2D graph showing spectral flux
distribution is included in the print out.
If the CIE xy or CIE u’v’ are activated
the 2D graph will be replaced by the
selected one.
In the preview window the print-out
layout can be checked before printing
the document.
Measurement data can also be stored
in ASCI file format using the standard
PC storage routines.
includes all integral measurement data
includes scaled wavelength and spec-
tral flux data
Instructions for importing the ASCII
data into Excel are provided at the end
of this software description section.