+World Time
To check the current time for 64 major cities around the world in alphabetical order, by using
the navigation keys -Up, Down, Left, Right keys.
The screen shows the:
• City name
• Current date and time
+Convert Unit
To use the unit converter Press
The converter changes
such as
Length, Area, Volume, Weight, Speed,
++How to make a Unit Conversion
1.Select the desired unit through
2. Input the number using the numeric keys.
3. The conversion is done automatically.
+Personal Note
To write or edit a personal note (up to 16 personal notes), proceed as follows.
+5+4+(Select [Empty]) press
1. Input the item name, press
soft right key
2. Enter the data, press
If a task is already defined in the Personal Note, it is displayed when selecting the Personal
Note menu option. Presses
[SEL] to edit the content.
+Stop Watch