Adjust the key volume from one to nine levels. Also turn the ringer off.
The higher the graph, the louder the volume is.
+Tone Length
To adjust tone length
Some phones can recognize only longer tones. Tone length may have to be changed to long
for some calls. When calling a paging system, the phone should be in the Normal
+Voice Volume
To adjust voice volume
This adjusts voice volume from levels one to nine. The higher the graph, the louder the
volume is.
+Microphone Volume
To adjust microphone volume
This adjusts microphone volume from levels one to nine. The higher the graph, the louder
the volume is.
++Connect Tone
To set the phone to sound the connect tone when your call is connected to the system.
++Fade Alert
To set the phone to sound the fade alert when a call is disconnected or dropped.
++Minute Beep
With this menu option set to
, the phone sounds an alert 10 seconds before each