9900-1BC Batch Controller Manual
This is the normal display
(when batch is running).
BATCH Setup Checklist
1. Set the Units of Measure in Input Menu.
2. Set Flow Timebase in Input Menu.
3. Set Sensor Type (Freq or S
L) in Input Menu.
4. Set Batch Size in Input Menu.
5. Set K-Factor (pulses per Unit Volume) from
Flow Sensor manual in CAL Menu.
6. Set up relay functions and other settings for
your own application.
Stop Running Batch
Press ENTER to stop batch that is running.
ENTER button stops batch in any screen on VIEW Mode.
Time Left
displays estimated time remaining (in minutes) until batch is completed.
Percent Complete
displays percent remaining or percent completed of running batch.
Count direction based on COUNT UP/DOWN setting in INPUT menu.
Flow Rate
displays current flow rate of running batch.
Output Current
displays the output loop current in milliamperes (mA).
Source Volume
displays the calculated remaining source volume. Shown if SOURCE VOLUME is ON.
Relay Status
displays relay status for Relays 1, 2 and 3. One of three states (OFF, ON, PLS) for each
relay will be displayed.
Menu System
VIEW Mode Menu - Batch Running