Signet 0250 Setup Tool
Flow/Velocity Units (factory set: Meters)
• Select the engineering units from the list: meters, feet, cubic meters, liters, cu. ft., U.S. gallons, Imp. gallons.
Timebase (factory set: Seconds)
• Set the timebase preference: seconds, minutes, hours, days
Pipe ID (Inside Diameter) (factory set: 44.0)
• Enter the inside diameter of the pipe.
ID Units: (factory set: millimeters)
• Select inches or mm for the dimensions of the pipe.
K-Factor (factory set: 65.7667)
• K-factors are published as "pulses per gallon" and "pulses per liter" in the Magmeter manual.
• Click the "?" to open a copy of the manual (manual fi le must be placed in the same directory as the 3-0250.exe application fi le).
K-factor units (factory set: pulses/liter)
• Select pulses/gallon or pulses/liter.
4 mA Setpoint (factory set: 0 m/s)
• Enter the fl ow rate where the Loop output must equal 4 mA.
20 mA Setpoint (factory set: 5 m/s)
• Enter the fl ow rate where the Loop output must equal 20 mA.
Averaging Time (Factory set:14 s)
• Set the time the Magmeter will use as the averaging period. Example: With averaging at 14 seconds, each display is an average
of the previous 14 seconds input. Use higher averaging times to smooth the display and current output where the fl ow in the pipe
is erratic.
Quick Response Sensitivity (Factory set: 25)
• Set the percentage of change in the fl ow rate required to allow the Magmeter to override the AVERAGING and jump
to a new fl ow rate immediately. (2551 maximum range is 10 m/s)
A detailed explanation of
functions is provided on Page 5.
Noise Rejection Frequency (Factory set: 60 Hz)
• Select 50 Hz or 60 Hz according to local AC power specifi cations.
Low Flow Cut-off (Factory set: 0.05 m/s)
• Set the fl ow rate where all Magmeter outputs will be forced to zero.
fl ow rate drops below this value, the frequency output will be 0 Hz. and the current output will be 4 mA.)
2551 and 2552 Magmeter Setup
1. Set the general information about the pipe and application preferences in the Application Settings fi elds.
2. Set the 4-20 mA span (If applicable)
3. Set the Performance Settings to best accomodate the unique conditions in the pipe.