Operating Manual MSA 330 /MSA 340
4 Data Management
Data Management
The electro-fusion unit saves the welding protocols for each fusion cycle
in the internal memory. Data are kept till the operator deletes them or
the memory is full.
To conform to ISO12176 and UNI10566 standards, the welding machine
will store (and provide for a later analysis) the following data:
The MSA’s Serial Number
Job number
Operator identity
Date/time of fusion cycle
Next revision date at the time of the jointing
Fusion cycle number
Error number and description
Fitting and fusion data
Fitting manufacturer
Fitting type
Fitting size
Fitting resistance (Ohm)
Ambient temperature (°C)
Starting primary voltage (V)
Data input
Fusion voltage applied (V)
Fusion time (s)
Fusion energy (kJ)
Cooling time (min)
Pipes prepared
GPS Coordinates (340 model only)
Traceability data of fitting and pipes (340 model only)
Component type
Production batch/Plant
Raw material
PE compound
Depth of the trench (m)