2 Fusion process
Operating Manual MSA 330 / MSA 340
At this stage, to ensure a reliable jointing, pipes and fitting have to be
carefully prepared: pipes shall be scraped, cleaned, aligned (preferably
using a clamping tool) and inserted till the stop mark into the fitting.
If data are not acquired, there might be several reasons:
The barcode reader may be operated in a wrong way: in case of
optical pen swipe faster on the barcode; in case of scanner try to
put the scanner closer to the barcode
The barcode may be damaged: try with an identical one
The data are not the expected ones (double beep generated by
the machine): the barcode read does not contain fusion
As soon as the data are correctly read from the barcode, the machine
will confirm with a beep and show on the display a summary of the
captured fusion parameters: fitting details and time of the welding
GF I 250mm
01.01.08 15:22
Esc OK
If data are correct, push START/OK ( I ). Then, the electro-fusion unit will
compare the measured fitting resistance with the nominal value written
into the barcode.
In case they match, the unit will start the fusion process.
If the value of the fitting resistance doesn’t match with the barcode
data, the display shows an error message. Then the user has press the
STOP/ESC (O) button, and re-enter the data.
Common issues causing an error at this stage are the fusion cables not
correctly connected and/or affected by faults.
If the fusion cables are integral, the user should double check the fitting
and the related bar code, and then repeat the entire procedure.