Instructions for Use
Serial no.: xx|8|201|yyy and 2201xxxxx
Version: 7 | Release date: 02. August 2021
Page 15
The Ergostik can be used for cardio-pulmonary (exercise) tests
for diagnosis, follow-up, screening and severity assessment of
pulmonary diseases. These include in particular:
Evaluation of exercise intolerance
Unexplained dyspnea
Evaluation of patients with cardiovascular diseases
Evaluation of patients with respiratory diseases
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Interstitial lung disease
Chronic pulmonary vascular disease
Cystic fibrosis
Exercise-induced bronchospasm
Preoperative assessment
Preoperative assessment for lung cancer resection
Surgery to reduce lung volume
Evaluation for lung or heart-lung transplantation
Preoperative evaluation of other procedures
Prescription of pulmonary rehabilitation exercises
Prescription of pulmonary rehabilitation exercises
Assessment of the impairment / disability