FMS vises
Dichiarazione d’ incorporazione CE
CE declaration of incorporation
According to CE Machine Regulation 2006/42/CE, encl. II, part B
Manufacturer / Responsible Gerardi S.p.A
of the release on the market Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 101
21015 Lonate Pozzolo (VA) Italy
We declare that the following product purchased with hydraulic power unit Art.266B or with Hydralic motor Art.890
corresponds to the requirements of the Machine Regulations (2006/42/CE
Art.670 Grip Matik Vise can be used if the machine (where the previously mentioned vise is mounted) satisfies the
Machine Regulation (2006/42/CE).
Harmonized regulations applied, especially as follows:
EN ISO 12100-1 Machine safety - Main concepts, general configuration principles, part 1:
Basic Terminology, methodology
EN ISO 12100-2 Machine safety - Main concepts, general configuration principles, part 2:
General principles and technical details
The manufacturer commits to supply the specific technical documentation of the Multitasking Vise in its branches in all
The specific Technical documentation belonging to the Multitasking vise has been done in conformity to the Encl. VII,
part B.
Place, date, signature Lonate Pozzolo, October 2017
Signatory information
Ivano Gerardi Jr.