Chapter 10 Mobile Phone Connection
Using a PDA, Smartphone or 3G-enabled mobile phone, you can receive live video
streaming from the GV-Video Server. The chart below lists the GV mobile applications
supporting the GV-Video Server.
Device View
OS Supported
Default Port
Settings on
GV-Video Server
GView V2
Windows Mobile 5.0 and
2003 for Pocket PC;
Windows Mobile 6.0 / 6.1
Classic and Professional
TCP/IP Port: 10000
RPB Port: 5552
(ViewLog Server)
Video Settings /
GViewV2 Supported
MSView V2
Windows Mobile 5.0 and
2003 for Smartphone
TCP/IP Port: 10000
RPB Port: 5552
(ViewLog Server)
Video Settings / 3GPP,
MSViewV2, SSViewV3
MSView V3
Windows Mobile 6.0 / 6.1
Standard and
TCP/IP Port: 10000
RPB Port: 5552
(ViewLog Server)
Video Settings / 3GPP,
MSViewV2, SSViewV3
SSView V3
Nokia S60 2nd Edition
and 3rd Edition for
TCP/IP Port: 10000
RPB Port: 5552
(ViewLog Server)
Video Settings / 3GPP,
MSViewV2, SSViewV3
Mobile phones with
players supporting RTSP
TCP/IP Port: 8554
UDP Port: 17300-17319
Video Settings / 3GPP,
MSViewV2, SSViewV3
Chart 1
1. To allow mobile phone users to access the live view from GV-Video Server, the codec
at the GV-Video Server must be set to MPEG4.
2. For the 3G-enabled mobile phone, you can receive live video from the GV-Video
Server without installing any GV mobile applications.
3. To receive the live video from the GV-Video Server, enter the TCP/IP port on your
mobile phone. To play video back, enable ViewLog Server on the GV-Video Server
and enter the RPB Port on your mobile phone.