If digging chain is slowing or stopping because of excessive soil buildup, periodically stop the machine and
clear the material for the chain, sprockets and discharge chute. Some soil will build-up on the sprocket and
add tension to the chain. Loosening the chain can help. Keeping engine speed sufficiently high and constant
can also help.
Cut the grass before starting to avoid long grass being caught around the drive sprocket. This will also
facilitate back fill
If a large stone jams the chain – between the chain and bar – switch the machine off and hit the chain with
a mallet in the opposite direction of travel to dislodge the stone (Fig.32) check the chain is moving freely
before re-starting
Keep a good slack on the chain (refer to paragraph 4.1.2)
Vibration information for portable hand-held and hand-guided machinery
Hand Arm Vibration syndrome HAV may result after long periods using the GeoRipper®.
To reduce the risk of HAV always use the mini trencher mounted on its EZ Kart® or limit
the daily usage per operator. Attention:
the measurement of the vibration total value to
which the hand-arm system is subjected exceeds 2.5 m/s².
These measurements were taken using model GR20-M 2-stroke GeoRipper® trenching of top soil 3-6” with light
sandy soil beneath. Variation in soil condition would alter this reading, and in stony soil condition, the reading is
likely to be higher.
GeoRipper® handheld: time of operation before reaching ELV of 5m/s² is 25mns
— GeoRipper® mounted on its EZ Kart®: time of operation before reaching ELV of 5m/s² is 6h16mns