User Manual (1.4.0)
OpenTracker 2.4
Reset Soft bricked board – Flash locked
During development process it may happen the board will be bricked and compiler output will look like:
Erase flash
Write 51852 bytes to flash
Flash page is locked
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Please follow the below instructions to solve this.
How to Reset a Soft bricked board
You can try to force a mass erase on the MCU Flash. This is accomplished by:
power ON
short NRESET to GND and hold
short ERASE to VDD and hold
release NRESET
wait a few seconds
You can also:
power OFF
short ERASE to VDD and hold
power ON
wait a few seconds
We placed NRESET and ERASE on the expansion connector and near VDD and GND, so that it's easy to
just use a jumper or a clip to perform the above operations:
If the erase is successful, you can reset the board again or power cycle it, and connect the USB cable again.
You will have to change serial port setting on the Arduino IDE, before programming, because the COM port
will change to the bootloader COM.