4.24 “NS” - Display Network Status
Displays the current network status.
Network recognition disabled.
Network recognition enabled.
4.25 “PC” - Polynomial Conversion
Selects the polynomial conversion method for the instrument reading. See Section 4.8, “Gauge
Settings” for more information.
Polynomial conversion selected.
4.26 “Pnnnn” - Set User Position Memory Pointer
Type P and a number between 1 and 8000 (or 1 and 16000 if 16000 readings is enabled) to
position the pointer. Arrays can then be displayed (
command) from the new position. The
updated pointers will display after entering a valid position.
MS:3200 OP:1567 UP:1
4.27 “R” - Reset Memory Pointers
Reset memory pointers to default settings. Gauge and interval settings, as well as the real-time
clock settings, are not affected by this command. User will be asked to verify before executing.
to continue, any other key to abort.
Are you sure(Y/N)?Y
Memory cleared.
Note: This command does not erase memory. If the need arises to recover data that was
previously taken, take one (or more) readings and then position the memory pointers via the
commands to recover previously taken readings.