Network nodes
with gateway
The WT…16… network nodes are used to receive and handle the data transmitted by
consumption meters of the Q AMR system. They are equipped with a gateway that
can provide data of up to 2,000 meters for remote readout. WTX16.IP can be read via
Ethernet while WTX16.GSM and WTX16.MOD-1 contain a GSM modem. They are read
via the telephone network.
The WT…16… network node is a component of the Q AMR system. It has been designed
for use in buildings to create a radio network for receiving and storing the data transmitted
by the consumption meters installed in the building. Communication between several net-
work nodes is via radio also so that no wiring is required. All measured values acquired by
the consumption meters are continuously exchanged within the network, which means that
every network node stores the current consumption values, the values read out at the end of
the month, and the set day values of all metering devices on the network. Owing to this
operating principle, all network data can be read out at any of the nodes, or a QUNDIS gate-
way for remote data transmission can be used with any of the nodes.