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96622 Issue 4.0 Jan 01
the “Default Condition"
After each pass when selecting (“editing”) the print parameters, the Controller
registers the selection by displaying the Command Mode screen. If you change
a value in any of the parameters, the Command Mode screen changes by the
addition of an exclamation point (!). Once the parameters residing in the
Controller have been transferred to the print station, the “
will disappear on the
Command Mode screen.
The parameters listed under the F1 key are
shown in the illustrated screen at left. If,
while programming, it becomes necessary
to start anew, reset the print station: shut it
off and then while pressing the “Print
enable” and “Cycle” keys, turn the print
station back on.
CAUTION: All parameters will be reset to
the factory default values.
Since the normal default is a falling back to last values entered into the
Controller, to reset the Controller: after resetting the print station, query the print
station. All values in the Controller will be changed to the default values of the
print station.