© 2019 Genesis Attachments, LLC
Genesis GVP 07
Replace teeth when points are worn down and can no longer process concrete efficiently. Weld
new teeth in place using the following procedure.
If desired, points may also be rebuilt and hard-surfaced when
1/2” has worn away, as shown in the illustration. However,
rebuilt points on the teeth will wear down faster than the origi-
nal teeth.
Tooth Replacement Procedure
Follow all welding safety precautions found in this manual.
Preheat the jaws surrounding the teeth to 350º F (177º C),
being cautious to stay away from the pivot group. Maintain this temperature throughout the proce-
dure. Do not exceed 400º F (204º C) interpass temperature.
Air arc to remove worn teeth using a template available from the Genesis Parts Department. Grind
jaw surfaces smooth to accept new teeth.
Position and tack the new teeth in place as shown.
Weld with AWS E7018 electrode or equivalent. Begin with the sides, filling in the chamfered area
with single passes, alternating sides and peening each pass. Weld the back and front of each
piece following the same method.
When welding is complete, grind the welds flush on the sides of
the upper jaw. Failure to grind these surfaces flat may prevent
the teeth from bypassing the lower teeth.
Cycle the jaw slowly to check for interference.
Cover with heat blanket or insulation and allow to cool slowly.
DO NOT put unit into operation until cool, approximately eight