32-Output Controller - Technical Manual
Page 12 V4, O/C Manual – Nov 2005
Points to Note:
It is recommended to use a separate power supply, located near the
32 Output Open Collector Module. DO NOT common the 0v DC,
or +12v DC, of power supplies and Genesis devices.
Connection to the output pins on the 32 Output Open Collector
Module is best made using a 10 pin header socket. These headers
are used on the GEN-060 relay module, and are the preferable way
to connect to the 32 Output Open Collector Module. Genesis does
NOT recommend soldering cable to the output pins. Connection
in this manner will void warranty.
Removal of the Serial Number from any Genesis device will im-
mediately void any warranty applicable to it, or any interconnected
Genesis device.
The 32 Output Open Collector Module is only capable
of sinking 100mA max through each output. Excessive current
draw will damage the 32 Output Open Collector Module.
When connecting GEN-060 Relay Output Modules to
the 32 Output Open Collector Module, please note that each
GEN-060 can draw up to 300mA in current. Low voltage alarms
may be generated if the devices draw more current than the power
supply is capable of supplying.
32-Output Controller - Technical Manual
Page 5 V4, O/C Manual– Nov 2005
Features and Benefits:
The Genesis
32 Output Open Collector Module (OC)
is a dedicated out-
put device that communicates with the Genesis master unit via high
speed RS-485 LAN communication. O/C provides 32 programmable
open collector outputs, on the one device.
32 Output Open Collector Module
mounts easily within the stan-
dard Genesis metal equipment cabinet, and includes an external tamper
input to provide maximum protection.
32 Output Open Collector Module
supports up to 4 x Genesis relay
boards (GEN-060), which quickly and easily provide dry contacts for
switching high current, or multiple voltage loads.
With this functionality, the
32 Output Open Collector Module
is ideal
for controlling; lifts, automatic doors, lighting, solenoids, indicators,
mimic panels, additional relays and LED’s.
32 Output Open Collector Module
is particularly useful in building
automation and home automation applications.
Up to 512 outputs are supported within a Genesis system, with as few as
16 x 32 Output Open collector modules required for this function.