Pressing the center “MENU” button (#6) will bring you to a series of menus
) used to set-up the system. These include: the Advanced Settings
Menu, the Auto Capture Menu and the Time/Date Menu.
You can scroll right and left to these 3 menus by using the right and left black
arrow buttons (#9, #10). Within each top level menu are sub menus and you
can scroll up and down within all of these menus using the two yellow but-
tons (#7, #8). To make a selection within the sub menus, press the menu but-
ton (#6). To escape the sub menus, press either of the right and left black
buttons (#9, #10). To escape the menu structure, select the EXIT listing at the
bottom of each menu and press the MENU button. Please refer to chapter 5
“The Menu Structure” for further information.
Video Out
USB Port
SD Memory
Charging Port
Charging Light
Power Button
(on top)
The right side of the LCD monitor (
) houses the controls and connections
you will use to view, record and upload your images as well as charge the unit
). To start with, the button on the top right of the unit (#1) performs two
functions. When it is pushed and held for 3+ seconds, it turns the display ON
and OFF. When it is pressed only briefly (after the unit has been powered up),
it toggles the unit’s operating mode between live viewing and recording with
playback of pictures and videos.
On the right side of the monitor are the jacks needed to plug in the video
cable (#2) “Video out”, the USB cable (#3) , the Micro SD memory card (#4),
the charging port (#5), and the bicolored charging light (#6).
In the “live viewing/recording” mode the controls have the following func-
1. Pressing the left black button (#9) takes a still picture (in .jpg format).
2. Pressing the right black button (#10) begins and ends the video recording.
3. Pressing the left yellow button (#7) inverts the screen image 180º.
4. Pressing the right yellow button (#8) enlarges the screen image on the
display by up to 4 times. Each time you press this button, the image gets
larger by a factor of 0.2 up to 4x. A readout on the bottom of the display in-
dicates the current zoom level.
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