Technical Overview
GDC 048R154-000
Report Messages (Bellcore TR-TSY-000194) procedures for
collection and monitoring of network performance information
provided by the Central Office
Provides independent user and network register sets for TABS
performance data
Supports both Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) and Bipolar with 8
Zero Substitution (B8ZS) line codes, and allows a variety of
options for ones density in the data stream
Supports a VT100-compatible terminal interface for
configuration, diagnostic, and monitoring functions through the
Console port on the back panel
Provides T1- and channel-level diagnostics for extensive
diagnostic capabilities
The DeskTop T1 DSU provides interface between the customer's
equipment and a Fractional T1 (FT1) digital carrier facility provided
by the Telco or other carrier. It performs both the Data Service Unit
(DSU) function of converting the customer’s data stream to bipolar
format, and the Channel Service Unit (CSU) functions of network
interfacing and protection. The DeskTop T1 DSU is ideal for medium-
sized, low-channel-density networks.
Fractional T1 Capabilities
A T1 line's DS1 signal consists of 24 DS0 channels. The DeskTop T1
DSU can be configured to map user data into either consecutive or
alternate DS0s to provide rates from 56 Kbps (1 DS0) to 1.536 Mbps
(24 DS0s at 64 Kbps each). Rates that use less than the full 1.536 Mbps
are referred to as Fractional T1 (FT1).
The output rates available from the DSU are multiples of 56 and 64
Kbps because each of the T1 line's 24 DS0s provides a data rate of 56
or 64 Kbps depending on the form of line coding being used. The DSU
can be configured to start a group of DS0s on any DS0 in the T1 line.