The Router can operate on a variety of channels. Routers within close proximity to one another
must be on different channels. If you have just one router, then the default, channel 6, is
probably adequate. If you have multiple access points in your network, it is suggested to
stagger the channels for each router. It is advisable to use the default unless there is a specific
reason for changing the channel, such as interference from microwaves, cellular phone towers,
or other access points in the area.
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Wireless Security
Data encryption provides added security by encoding network communications using an
encryption key. Your Router, in conjunction with wireless network adapters that support
encryption, can scramble your transmitted data to make it difficult for someone to eavesdrop or
intercept your information. Two methods of data encryption are available:
Wired Equivalent
(WEP) and
Wi-Fi Protected Access
(WPA). If you wish to enable wireless security,
click to select
Enable Wireless Security
Wireless Security