Chapter 1 :
Ref: 22000-00-MAN-I-09004
June 2009
Ch.1 - 14/37
Copyright Gemalto – 2008
No disclosure to a third party without prior written consent of Gemalto
2.2.15 Battery backup
A lithium cell of 3V-235mA/h is used for the backup of the Secure Processor. It is located
on the main board, accessible by openning the SIM lid. Battery can therefore be replaced
during maintenance operation without openning the Terminal.
When a failure occurs on main power supply, the SP is backuped via the battery and the
following security items are still active : Supply monitor on Vbat, Temperature monitor,
Intrusion monitor (mesh and switches) and key integrity violation, Real Time Clock.
Battery life time : 3 years minimum
In case of battery remove while the Terminal is power off, the security sensors will trigg,
leading the loss of security keys.
When the 2
full size reader board is in place, the battery is not accessible. Removing
this board allows battery access.
Only Secure processor is backuped, application contexts are not.
2.2.16 Tamper detection mechanisms
The Terminal is equipped with many different means of detection:
Security features integrated in the Secure Processor, such as active shield, intrusion
sensors, environmental protection systems (Voltage, Frequency, UV and
3 switches are part of the keypad membrane.
All pcbs, Keyboard, Main and side walls include a grid mesh in their internal layers,
making a cap on the smart card reader and on the sensitive components located in
the Secure area. It means that all sensitive components are surrounded by a grid
mesh. Grid mesh goes from Keyboard pcb to Main pcb through 2 elastomeric
connectors considered as 2 other actuator devices.
As soon as one of the means of detection triggers (grid mesh cutted or short-circuited,
elastomeric or keyboard switch disconnection, environmental detection, ….), the Secure
Processor goes immediately in security alert, leading to the erasure of its user key, by the
way the lost of all sensitive data contained by the Secure Processor.
Actuators are held in place through the mechanical structure, in sandwich between the front
and the bottom covers, the whole is maintained in position by screws. Mechanical
construction is designed in order to prevent access to sensitive components.
When tampering, the Handset shall be put back into operation using the Unlocking tool.
2.2.17 Power supply
Vin = 7V +/- 5%, I = 3.5A max
2.2.18 Mechanical element characteristics
Plastic is ABS, UL94 HB
Other pieces are UL94 HB minimum