LTE Terminals Hardware Interface Description
9.2 Connection Usage
Confidential / Preliminary
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Update LTE Module Firmware
To update the firmware of the Terminal’s LTE module, please complete the following steps:
Connect to the LTE Terminal using FTP as described in
Transfer the firmware download files from the PC to the LTE Terminal ’s FTP directory. The
firmware update files have the extensions “*.usf”, “*.jad”, and “*.jar”.
Connect to the LTE Terminal using Telnet (or SSH) as described in
Call the firmware update shell script: “./etc/gmup.sh”. After a successful update the LTE ter-
minal restarts automatically.
Update Ethernet Sub-System Software
To update the software of the LTE Terminal’s Ethernet sub-system, please complete the fol-
lowing steps:
Connect to the LTE Terminal using FTP as described in
Transfer the software download file from the PC to the LTE Terminal’s FTP directory. The
software update file has the extension “*.bin”, e.g., “xxx_yyy_zzz.bin”.
Connect to the LTE Terminal using Telnet (or SSH) as described in
Call the software update shell script: “./etc/ewup.sh”. After a successful update the LTE Ter-
minal restarts automatically.