GEM Owner’s Manual - Page 48
Operation and Maintenance
Battery Charging - The Main Disconnect Switch must be ‘On’
before charging the batteries.
NOTE: The type of batteries used in the vehicle will perform
better when kept fully charged. Therefore, whenever possible,
recharge the batteries - no matter what the state of charge is at
the time the charge status is started.
The GEM vehicle has a battery control and recharge system
especially designed for electric vehicle usage. Two of the six 12-
volt fl ooded or GEL batteries are located under the battery access
cover of the bed on models eS and eL (see page 55), or under the
maintenance plate on the rear spat of models e2 and e4 (see page
56). The other 4 batteries are located under the bench seat on all
models. The charging system is designed to maximize the battery
pack life while recharging the pack in the shortest time with available
household current (isolated 110-volt, 15 amp grounded, A/C outlet).
The following guidelines will insure that you receive the maximum
battery life and performance out of your GEM vehicle.
The main disconnect switch should be turned off before
any vehicle maintenance is started.