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Prefix/Suffix Values
Prefix/Suffix Values
Prefix/Suffix Values
Prefix/Suffix Values
A prefix and/or one or two suffixes can be appended to scan data for use in data editing. To set a value for a prefix
or suffix, scan a prefix or suffix bar code below, then scan a four-digit number (i.e., four bar codes from Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A,
Numeric Bar Codes) that corresponds to that value. See Table “ASCII Value Table
ASCII Value Table
ASCII Value Table
ASCII Value Table” for the four-digit codes. To
correct an error or change a selection, scan Cancel from Appendix A.
To use Prefix/Suffix values, first set the Scan Data Transmission Format below.
Scan Prefeix
Scan Suffix 1
Scan Suffix 2
Scan Data Transmission Format
Scan Data Transmission Format
Scan Data Transmission Format
Scan Data Transmission Format
To change the scan data format, scan one of the following eight bar codes corresponding to the desired format.
If using this parameter do not
do not
do not
do not use ADF rules to set the prefix/suffix. To set values for the prefix and/or suffix, see
Prefix/Suffix Values above.
* Data As Is