Label and ticket print
GeBE E + F GmbH • www.gebe.net • GeBE Doc.No.: SMAN-E-657-V1.4 Thermal Printer GPT-4672/4673
10.1 Paper insert
Printer with paper holder:
1. Pull empty paper roll core off of the paper axle.
2. Install new paper roll.
3. Position paper on the paper feeding tray and push it
toward the printer mechanism.
4. Interlock the paper roll.
5. Feed in paper by pressing FEED button.
6. The paper is now inserted.
Printer without paper holder:
1. Position paper on the paper feeding tray and push it
toward the printer mechanism.
2. Interlock the paper roll.
3. Feed in paper by pressing FEED button.
4. The paper is now inserted.
10 Label and ticket print
10.2 Printing labels and tickets
10.2.1 Label mode
The printer firmware utilizes hole-marks or black marks for exact synchronization of print line and label or ticket
start. The printing of a label / ticket is concluded with a form feed (FF) <12d> command. This command causes
the printer to paper feed until the black mark sensor recognizes a control mark + a defined distance „B“
(parameter 19). This also works in case the control mark has passed the black mark sensor during printing. „B“
should be selected such that the next line prints at the beginning of the new ticket.