Chapter 7
7.3 Pressurized devices
Hydraulic actuating circuits
The parts of the rig that are hydraulically actuated are driven by
pressurized oil. Before servicing any such device it must be
depressurized, without loosening the fittings but following the
instructions in the service manual. A fluid that escapes from a pressurized
device (even working at a small flowrate) and strikes the skin directly can
cause abrasions and penetrate deeply, producing serious injuries. The risk of
harming one's eyes is particularly serious. Even for simple inspections on
pressurized devices, operators must always protect the uncovered parts of
the body, wearing a see-through face mask, a helmet, gloves and full-body
overalls. Likewise, maintenance personnel should also wear adequate
clothing and use the same protection devices (see Manual No. 2).
Leaks in hydraulic circuits
If you discover a leak from a hydraulic circuit or device, stop the rig
(in a stable configuration, if possible) and request maintenance.
Continuing to use the rig would increase the risks both for the
operator (the machine might not respond to the controls as expected) and the
rig itself (certain parts might work under excessive stress). Additionally,
hydraulic fluid spillages contaminate the environment, and measures must be
taken to limit them.
Checking tubes and hoses
Regardless of the inspections carried out at the start of the work shift, the cab
operator and ground operator
– each from their own point of observation –
must have an overall view of the drilling rig in order to warn one another of
any change in configuration. For example, a broken hose clamp might lead to
damages to the hose by crushing, cutting or stretching. Inspections must be
carried out also after accidental impacts with foreign objects during work,
although this should not happen if the work area has been adequately