Table 27: Sensor tripping instructions
Sensor Do
Open the secured door or window.
Remove the sensor cover. Apply ice in a plastic bag to the sensor
(for 10 to 15 minutes). Do not allow the sensor to get wet.
Press a wet rag or wet finger over both of the round, gold-plated
terminals on the underside of the sensor.
Carbon monoxide alarm
Press and hold the Test/Hush button (approximately 5 seconds)
until the unit beeps two times and then release the button.
Trip the glassbreak sensor with an appropriate glassbreak test
Motion sensor
Avoid the motion sensor field of view for 5 minutes, and then
enter its view.
Rate-of-rise heat detector
Rub your hand together until warm, and then place one hand on
the detector for 30 seconds.
Tap the glass twice, away from the sensor. Wait at least 10
seconds before testing again.
Press and hold the test button until the system sounds
transmission beeps.
Personal help button
Press and hold the appropriate help button until the light blinks
and the panel sounds for at least seven beeps.
Key fob
Press and hold the Lock and Unlock buttons simultaneously for 3
Simon XT talking touch screen
For sensor testing a 1.0 touch screen, press and hold the
Emergency button for 5 seconds.
For sensor testing a 1.1 or greater touch screen, press the
Settings (the gear) button, scroll down, and then press the RF Test
Simon XT talking touchpad
Press and hold the two Emergency buttons simultaneously for 3
Remote handheld touchpad
Press and hold the two Emergency buttons simultaneously for 3
Sensor test failure
If sirens do not beep when a sensor is tripped, use an RF Sniffer (60-401) test tool to
verify that the sensor is transmitting. Constant beeps from the RF Sniffer indicate a
faulty sensor. Replace the sensor.
If possible, locate sensors within 100 ft. (30 m) of the panel. While a sensor may have
a range of 500 ft. (152 m) or more out in the open, the environment at the installation
site can have a significant effect on transmitter range. A change in sensor location
may help overcome adverse wireless conditions.
Simon XT Installation Manual