100PPS-Output with 100 pulses-per-second;
PPX - Output with programmable frequency pulses;
PPM - Output with 1 pulse-per-minute;
item TMARK - Output with programmable time;
IRIG-B - Output with IRIG-B004 signal;
DCF77 - Output with DCF77 signal.
It is also possible to choose normal or inverted polarity for each output individually.
The field TMARK allows configuring time to generate a pulse with daily repetition. All outputs
programmed to send TMARK pulses will be programmed within the same time.
The field PPX allows configuring a pulse-frequency that can vary from 1 pulse every-2-seconds to 1
pulse-per-day. All outputs programmed to send PPX pulses will be programmed within the same
The field Cable delay compensation allows entering the size of the antenna cable in meters, allowing
the unit to compensate propagation delay according to the cable length (values between 0 and 999
meters are allowed).
Serial datagram
The field Datagram allows configuring a datagram sent by the serial port. ACEB, NEMEA, GPZDA,
Meinberg and customizable datagrams are possible. When choosing a customizable datagram, it is
necessary to enter a characters set according to the time information used. For more details about
ACEB, NEMEA, GPZDA and Meinberg datagrams, see
A serial datagram is sent each second. The field On-time mark allows choosing if the sending will be
synchronized with the beginning or the end of the datagram;
Start of first: pulse synchronized with the beginning of the datagram;
Start of last: pulse synchronized with the end of the datagram;
Serial: allows configuring the serial port parameters.
The field Speed allows choosing data transmission speed of the serial port, which can be
38400, 19200, 9600, 4800 or 1200 bps;
The field Data allows defining the data bits, which can be 7 or 8;
The field Parity allows choosing the serial port parity, which can be odd, even, or none;
The field Stop bit allows choosing the datagram stop bit, which can be 1 or 2.
Customizable datagrams
RT430 allows defining a datagram ``ASCII'' to be sent once per second by the serial port, using the
characters described below. The datagram characters can be single or special.
The single characters allowed are: 0..9 A..Z a..z $ \{ \} ( ) [ ] . , ; : ! ? @ < >$ \# * \_ - \% \$ blank and empty.