Chapter Three - Getting Started
DDE Server User’s Guide
Clicking on the
button in the Ethernet version of the software displays a
slightly different
Port Configuration
dialog box:
Because the ports are not part of the host PC hardware, they are considered virtual
ports. A virtual port refers to a single RS-485 port on a particular hardware gateway.
The Configured Virtual Ports box lists all the virtual ports available to be configured
with proper Ethernet addressing information and port number. The virtual ports are
named NetCOM1 through NetCOM256; these names cannot be altered.
To change the characteristics of a previously configured port, select it and click
Modify. Select an existing port and click Delete to delete the configuration
information for a virtual port.
Clicking on Add displays the Add Virtual Port dialog box, shown below. (Clicking
on Modify brings up the same dialog box with the selected port’s characteristics
displayed for your review and/or modification. Also, the Virtual Port selection pull-
down list is disabled in the Modify command.)