DDE Server User’s Guide
Chapter Four - Menus and Toolbars
If desired, set the
Select the
Modbus Packet
button to format your message. The Modbus
Packet window allows you to format a Modbus packet automatically.
Select a slave address, function code, and start address. If you are
transmitting a Read message, complete the End Address/No. of Regs.
Field, clicking in the check box and entering the End Address or
Number of Registers being sent. If you are transmitting a write
message, the Write Data field will be enabled. Enter the data to be
written, in decimal format separated by spaces. Click OK to close the
dialog box.
When you are ready to send your message, select
. The message is
sent out on the Transmit port, and the Receive port begins listening for
a response. If the Receiving port does not receive a response within the
value, a Timeout error message is displayed. If response is
received, the received byte sequence is displayed.